

Aug 02 2013

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Effect of fluoride concentration in adhesives on morphology of acid-base resistant zones.

Effect of fluoride concentration in adhesives on morphology of acid-base resistant zones.

Dent Mater J. 2013;32(4):578-84

Authors: Kirihara M, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Ikeda M, Sadr A, Tagami J

This study aimed to investigate the effect of fluoride concentration in adhesives on morphology of acid-base resistant zone (ABRZ). Seven experimental adhesives with different concentrations of NaF (0 wt%; F0 to 100 wt%: F100) were prepared based on the formulation of a commercially available adhesive (Clearfil Protect Bond, F100). The resin-dentin interface of the bonded specimen was subjected to demineralizing solution and NaOCl, sectioned, polished and argon-ion etched for SEM observation. Fluoride release from each adhesive was measured using an ion-selective electrode. Fluoride ion release from the adhesive linearly increased with higher NaF concentration. The ABRZ area increased significantly with higher NaF concentration except for F0, F10, and F20 (p<0.05). F100 showed the largest ABRZ, where a slope of acid-resistant dentin was clearly observed at the bottom of the ABRZ. The concentration of NaF in the two-step self-etching adhesive resin influenced the amount of dentin structure remaining after acid-challenge.

[cite source='pubmed']23903639[/cite] – in process]