

Feb 03 2015

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Award Winners of the 6th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry

The winners of research awards at the 6th  International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry were announced on Feb 1, 2015 in the closing ceremony of the congress at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Choltacha Harnirattisai, the president of the 6th IAD announed Dr. Patricia Makishi, a former graduate student and researcher at TMDU Cariology and Operative Dentistry from State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil won the outstanding poster award for the research entitled “3D Leakage Pathway and Bond Strength of Current Adhesive Systems in Class-I Cavity” by Makishi P, Thitthaweerat S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Giannini M, Tagami J, Sumi Y.

Other congress award winners from Cariology and Operative Dentistry were as follows:

Inoue Go, Mashiko R, Atomura J, Tagami J: Morphological Assessment of the Effect of Calcium-containing Primer System.

Bista Baba, Nakashima S, Nikaido T, Sadr A, Takagaki T, Tagami J: Adsorption Behavior of Adhesive Functional Monomer MDP to Apatite Surface at Neutral pH.

Kong Kalyan, Islam MS, Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Otsuki M, Yiu CK, Tagami J. Effect of Phytic Acid Etchant on the Stability of Demineralized Dentin and Dentin Bonding.

imageMakishi-IAD-Award Inoue-IAD-Award Kong-IAD-Award Bista-IAD-Awardgo-award image