

Jul 08 2020

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The effect of carboxyl-based monomers on resin bonding to highly translucent zirconia ceramics.


The effect of carboxyl-based monomers on resin bonding to highly translucent zirconia ceramics.

Dent Mater J. 2020 Jul 04;:

Authors: Khanlar LN, Takagaki T, Inokoshi M, Ikeda M, Nikaido T, Tagami J

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bonding performance of carboxyl-based monomers in the priming agents to highly translucent zirconia. Highly translucent zirconia disk-shaped specimens of yttria-partially stabilized zirconia (Y-PSZ) (Katana HT zirconia) after sandblasting, were assigned to 5 groups according to the chemical pretreatment: no-treatment (Con), PZ Primer (PZP), PZ primer liquid A+MMA (PZA, as MDP primer), Super-Bond liquid (SBL, as 4-META primer) and experimental 5% 4-MET primer (MET). After priming, stainless steel rods were bonded to the zirconia specimens with TBB-initiated resin. The tensile bond strength test was performed after storage for 24 h, 30, and 150 days in 37°C water. The Weibull moduli decreased in all groups except PZA after 150 days. Superior bond strength observed in PZA and MET groups after aging. Application of carboxyl-based monomers were found to be effective in adhesion to highly translucent zirconia ceramics.

[cite source='pubmed']32624552[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]