

Oct 02 2020

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Interfacial Evaluation of CAD/CAM Resin Inlays on the Cavity Floor Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography.

Interfacial Evaluation of CAD/CAM Resin Inlays on the Cavity Floor Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography.

Oper Dent. 2020 Sep 30;:

Authors: Han SH, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tagami J, Yang SE

When a resin nanoceramic inlay is cemented using self-adhesive cement, a universal dentin adhesive can be applied to the prepared cavity. The application of the adhesive before self-adhesive cement placement provides similar or better interfacial adaptation than without the adhesive.

[cite source='pubmed']32997740[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]