

Mar 18 2021

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Effects of silver diamine fluoride preparations on biofilm formation of Streptococcus mutans

Dent Mater J. 2021 Jul 31;40(4):911-917. doi: 10.4012/dmj.2020-341. Epub 2021 Mar 18.


Effects of silver diamine fluoride preparations (SDFs) on cariogenic biofilm formation on root dentin (RD) were investigated. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) biofilms were formed on bovine RD blocks coated with one of three the SDFs (38%-SDF, 3.8%-SDF and 35%-SDF+potassium-iodide; SDF+KI) and a non-coated Control which were quantified (spectrometric-measurement) and thickness measured (optical coherence tomography) after 20 h. Bacterial viability test (BacLight) and biofilm-morphometry (SEM) of 2 h biofilms were also performed. The amounts of biofilms (bacteria and water insoluble glucan) and the thickness of biofilm were minimum on 38%-SDF specimen; 3.8%-SDF and SDF+KI had significantly more than that, but had significantly less than Control (p<0.05). Most S. mutans cells found dead and morphology damaged by 38%-SDF. Some dead bacteria and remarkably damaged biofilms were observed in case of 3.8%-SDF and SDF+KI. Inhibition potential of 3.8%-SDF and SDF+KI on S. mutans biofilm formation is almost similar, although not equivalent to 38%-SDF.

PMID:33731542 | DOI:10.4012/dmj.2020-341