Category Archive: News

The latest news from our group.

Oct 18 2013

TMDU researchers win the top awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia

Researchers from Cariology and Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical and Dental University bring home all the three research awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA. The awards were presented  by the congress president, Prof. Markus Blatz in a ceremony held at the congress closing on June 15, 2013 at Penn Dental …

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Aug 21 2013

Publication of Time vol. 6


The latest volume of TIME alumni bulletin contains an article about the visit of Prof. Tagami to the Peking university, as well as recent visits of international researchers to the department. Senior faculty members and post-doctoral researchers have an introduction section in this issue. As usual, first year graduate students have a short self-introduction section …

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May 03 2013

OCT Special Symposium hosted at TMDU

Cariology and Operative Dentistry will hold a special symposium dedicated to the development and applications of optical coherence tomography in dentistry. World renowned speakers in the filed from the US and Japan will speak in the event, which will be held on June 20-21, 2013 in the Faculty of Dentistry. For registration and more information …

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Feb 20 2013

Professor Tagami named as guest professor of Peking University

Professor Tagami named as guest professor of Peking University

In a ceremony held by Peking University on Feb 18, 2013 Professor Junji Tagami was appointed as an honorary guest professor of the school in recognition of his outstanding achievements. Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology is a key national college in the field located in Beijing, China. The school emphasizes international cooperation and …

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Feb 10 2013

Publication featured as Caries Res cover illustration


One of our recent works has been featured as the cover page illustration of Caries Research journal (2013/1). The journal is among the most prestigious publications in the field of cariology. The paper was the work of a GCOE AISS student on estimation of mineral content from refractive index.Read abstract here.

Jul 21 2012

Publication of TIME Vol. 4


The latest volume of TIME alumni bulletin contains an editorial by our chairman about the international cooperation with the middle-eastern and Asian universities. Full-time junior and senior faculty members have an extended section dedicated to research in this issue. As usual, first year graduate students have a short self-introduction section.

Oct 31 2011

Publication of TIME Vol. 3


Cariology and operative dentistry bulletin Vol. 3 was published and sent to the alumni members of the group. In this issue Prof. Tagami introduces new graduate students from various countries, faculty members report on their research findings and short-term stay abroad, and fresh persons shortly introduce themselves.

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