Tag Archive: DW

Apr 05 2017

Effects of experimental pastes containing surface pre-reacted glass ionomer fillers on inhibition of enamel demineralization.

. Effects of experimental pastes containing surface pre-reacted glass ionomer fillers on inhibition of enamel demineralization. Dent Mater J. 2017 Mar 29;: Authors: Nakamura K, Hamba H, Nakashima S, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Oikawa M, Uo M, Tagami J Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the inhibitory effect of experimental pastes containing surface pre-reacted glass …

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Jan 01 2016

Impact of toothpaste on abrasion of sound and eroded enamel: An in vitro white light interferometer study.

Impact of toothpaste on abrasion of sound and eroded enamel: An in vitro white light interferometer study. Am J Dent. 2015 Oct;28(5):268-72 Authors: Nakamura M, Kitasako Y, Nakashima S, Sadr A, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of brushing using toothpastes marketed under different categories on abrasion of sound and eroded enamel in …

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Nov 05 2014

Effect of different desensitizers on inhibition of bovine dentin demineralization: micro-computed tomography assessment.

  . Effect of different desensitizers on inhibition of bovine dentin demineralization: micro-computed tomography assessment. Eur J Oral Sci. 2014 Nov 1; Authors: Lodha E, Hamba H, Nakashima S, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Tagami J Abstract This study evaluated the effect of two desensitizers on inhibition of dentin demineralization, after immersion in artificial saliva using …

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