Tag Archive: Kitasako Y

Sep 02 2011

Effect of dentin pretreatment with mild acidic HOCl solution on microtensile bond strength and surface pH.

Effect of dentin pretreatment with mild acidic HOCl solution on microtensile bond strength and surface pH. J Dent. 2010 Mar;38(3):261-8 Authors: Kunawarote S, Nakajima M, Shida K, Kitasako Y, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the pretreatment effect of mild acidic HOCl solution on the microtensile bond strength (muTBS) of a two-step self-etch …

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Sep 02 2011

Comparison of enamel and dentin microshear bond strengths of a two-step self-etching priming system with five all-in-one systems.

Comparison of enamel and dentin microshear bond strengths of a two-step self-etching priming system with five all-in-one systems. Oper Dent. 2008 Jul-Aug;33(4):456-60 Authors: Burrow MF, Kitasako Y, Thomas CD, Tagami J Abstract Data on the adhesive strength of new all-in-one adhesives are still relatively limited. This study compared the microshear bond strengths of five recent …

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Sep 02 2011

Micro-shear bond strengths and etching efficacy of a two-step self-etching adhesive system to fluorosed and non-fluorosed enamel.

Micro-shear bond strengths and etching efficacy of a two-step self-etching adhesive system to fluorosed and non-fluorosed enamel. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009 Apr;117(2):182-6 Authors: Shida K, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the micro-shear bond strengths and the etching efficacy of a two-step self-etching adhesive system …

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Sep 02 2011

A technique using resin composite with orthodontic wire to replace a missing tooth rapidly.

A technique using resin composite with orthodontic wire to replace a missing tooth rapidly. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Feb;24(1):127-30 Authors: Kitasako Y, Ikeda M, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract A missing incisor or premolar tooth that requires a quick functional and esthetic repair, such as the case of tooth loss caused by trauma needs quick conservative …

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Sep 02 2011

Pulpal responses to bacterial contamination following dentin bridging beneath hard-setting calcium hydroxide and self-etching adhesive resin system.

Pulpal responses to bacterial contamination following dentin bridging beneath hard-setting calcium hydroxide and self-etching adhesive resin system. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Apr;24(2):201-6 Authors: Kitasako Y, Ikeda M, Tagami J Abstract To evaluate the pulp healing to bacterial contamination beneath a hard-setting calcium hydroxide (DY: Dycal, L.D. Caulk Co.) and a self-etching adhesive resin (2V: Clearfil Liner …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of resin coating on dentin bond durability of a resin cement over 1 year.

Effect of resin coating on dentin bond durability of a resin cement over 1 year. Am J Dent. 2008 Feb;21(1):64-8 Authors: Nikaido T, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Umino A, Maruoka R, Ikeda M, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of resin coating of bonded dentin on the micro-tensile bond strengths of a resin …

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Sep 02 2011

Comparative analysis of three commercial saliva testing kits with a standard saliva buffering test.

Comparative analysis of three commercial saliva testing kits with a standard saliva buffering test. Aust Dent J. 2008 Jun;53(2):140-4 Authors: Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Stacey M, Huq L, Reynolds EC, Tagami J Abstract BACKGROUND: In 1959, Ericsson developed a laboratory buffer capacity test. Because the Ericsson test is not practical for use as a chair-side …

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