Oct 16 2013

The effect of glutathione on 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate cytotoxicity and on resin-dentine bond strength.

Related Articles on PubMed The effect of glutathione on 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate cytotoxicity and on resin-dentine bond strength. Int Endod J. 2013 Oct 9; Authors: Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Islam MS, Tamura Y, Otsuki M, Kasugai S, Ohya K, Tagami J, Tay F Abstract AIM: To evaluate the influence of reduced glutathione (GSH) application on 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) …

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Mar 27 2013

Effect of solvent evaporation strategies on regional bond strength of one-step self-etch adhesives to root canal dentine.

Related Articles on PubMed Effect of solvent evaporation strategies on regional bond strength of one-step self-etch adhesives to root canal dentine. Int Endod J. 2013 Feb 23; Authors: Thitthaweerat S, Nakajima M, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of different solvent evaporation strategies on bonding of one-step self-etch adhesives to root …

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