Tag Archive: NMR

Oct 26 2016

Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques.

Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques. Dent Mater. 2016 Oct 19;: Authors: Hiraishi N, Maruno T, Tochio N, Sono R, Otsuki M, Takatsuka T, Tagami J, Kobayashi Y Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dentin collagen can be modified by some plant-derived flavonoids to improve properties of dentin organic matrix. Hesperidin (HPN), a hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside flavonoid, has a …

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Dec 18 2014

Molecular level evaluation on HEMA interaction with a collagen model.

Molecular level evaluation on HEMA interaction with a collagen model. Dent Mater. 2014 Dec 10; Authors: Hiraishi N, Tochio N, Kigawa T, Otsuki M, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) diffuses in wet dentin and promotes adhesion during dentin priming and bonding. We have investigated the molecular level interaction between HEMA and a collagen model …

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Oct 18 2013

TMDU researchers win the top awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia

Researchers from Cariology and Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical and Dental University bring home all the three research awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA. The awards were presented  by the congress president, Prof. Markus Blatz in a ceremony held at the congress closing on June 15, 2013 at Penn Dental …

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Jan 25 2013

Monomer-Collagen Interactions Studied by Saturation Transfer Difference NMR.

Monomer-Collagen Interactions Studied by Saturation Transfer Difference NMR. J Dent Res. 2013 Jan 22; Authors: Hiraishi N, Tochio N, Kigawa T, Otsuki M, Tagami J Abstract Functional monomers in dentin adhesives are involved in wetting dental substrates, demineralization, and the formation of calcium salts. However, the interaction of these monomers with collagen is not understood …

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