Tag Archive: Operative Dentistry

Apr 02 2015

Dr Turkistani receives IADR Dental Materials Group travel award


Dr Alaa Turkistani of Cariology and Operative Dentistry received the Dental Materials Group travel award from Asia Pacific region at IADR 2015 on March 14, 2015 in Boston, MA. Her research under supervision of Dr Alireza Sadr elucidated important relationship between interfacial defects and lesion progress around dental restorations. IADR HERAEUS KULZER TRAVEL AWARD  

Feb 03 2015

Award Winners of the 6th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry


The winners of research awards at the 6th  International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry were announced on Feb 1, 2015 in the closing ceremony of the congress at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Choltacha Harnirattisai, the president of the 6th IAD announed Dr. Patricia Makishi, a former graduate student and researcher at TMDU Cariology and Operative Dentistry …

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Jul 29 2014

IADR Hatton Awards 2014

Dr Mohannad Nassar of Cariology and Operative Dentistry was awarded as the winner of Unilever Hatton Divisional Award and final competitor of the The IADR Unilever Hatton Competition at the 92nd IADR General Session,June 25-28, 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa. The awards allowed Dr. Nassar, as one of the best junior investigators from Japan …

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Jul 21 2014

ORCA Award 2014


Dr. Maja Romero, graduate student of Cariology and Operative Dentistry was one of the five recipients of the European Organization for Caries Research ORCA Conference Travel Fellowship 2014. The 61st ORCA Congress was held in Greifswald, Germany last July 2-5, 2014. She received a cash prize for the presentation “M.J.R.H. Romero, S. Nakashima, A. Sadr, …

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Oct 18 2013

TMDU researchers win the top awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia

Researchers from Cariology and Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical and Dental University bring home all the three research awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA. The awards were presented  by the congress president, Prof. Markus Blatz in a ceremony held at the congress closing on June 15, 2013 at Penn Dental …

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May 03 2013

OCT Special Symposium hosted at TMDU

Cariology and Operative Dentistry will hold a special symposium dedicated to the development and applications of optical coherence tomography in dentistry. World renowned speakers in the filed from the US and Japan will speak in the event, which will be held on June 20-21, 2013 in the Faculty of Dentistry. For registration and more information …

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May 01 2011

Publication of TIME Vol. 2


The alumni bulletin “Time” or “The Big Dream”, including reports on the latest news academic and activities of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, and introduction of new group members was published. In this issue faculty members report on their sabbatical experiences abroad.

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