Tag Archive: PP

Jul 17 2013

Combined effect of smear layer characteristics and hydrostatic pulpal pressure on dentine bond strength of HEMA-free and HEMA-containing adhesives.

Related Articles on PubMed Combined effect of smear layer characteristics and hydrostatic pulpal pressure on dentine bond strength of HEMA-free and HEMA-containing adhesives. J Dent. 2013 Jul 11; Authors: Mahdan MH, Nakajima M, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the combined effect of smear layer characteristics with hydrostatic pulpal pressure (PP) on …

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Sep 02 2011

Influence of hydrostatic pulpal pressure on the microtensile bond strength of all-in-one self-etching adhesives.

Influence of hydrostatic pulpal pressure on the microtensile bond strength of all-in-one self-etching adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2007 Oct;9(5):437-42 Authors: Hosaka K, Nakajima M, Monticelli F, Carrilho M, Yamauti M, Aksornmuang J, Nishitani Y, Tay FR, Pashley DH, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the microtensile bond strength (microTBS) of two all-in-one self-etching adhesive systems …

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