Tag Archive: Sadr A

Sep 02 2011

Localization of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs-2, 8, 9 and 20) in normal and carious dentine.

Localization of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs-2, 8, 9 and 20) in normal and carious dentine. Aust Dent J. 2009 Dec;54(4):347-54 Authors: Shimada Y, Ichinose S, Sadr A, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract BACKGROUND: Dentine matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may participate in the destruction of dentine following demineralization by bacterial acids. This study investigated the localization of MMPs …

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Sep 02 2011

Validation of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of occlusal caries.

Validation of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of occlusal caries. J Dent. 2010 Aug;38(8):655-65 Authors: Shimada Y, Sadr A, Burrow MF, Tagami J, Ozawa N, Sumi Y Abstract OBJECTIVES: In this laboratory study, we examined the use of a swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) as a diagnostic tool for occlusal caries. METHODS: …

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Sep 02 2011

The role of functional monomers in bonding to enamel: acid-base resistant zone and bonding performance.

The role of functional monomers in bonding to enamel: acid-base resistant zone and bonding performance. J Dent. 2010 Sep;38(9):722-30 Authors: Li N, Nikaido T, Takagaki T, Sadr A, Makishi P, Chen J, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of two functional monomers on caries-inhibition potential and bond strength of two-step self-etching adhesive systems …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of double-application of three single-step self-etch adhesives on dentin bonding and mechanical properties of resin-dentin area.

Effect of double-application of three single-step self-etch adhesives on dentin bonding and mechanical properties of resin-dentin area. Oper Dent. 2009 Nov-Dec;34(6):716-24 Authors: Wei S, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: This study investigated whether double-application influences the bond strength of single-step self-etch adhesives and the mechanical properties of the resin-dentin area. MATERIALS AND …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of filler content of flowable composites on resin-cavity interface.

Effect of filler content of flowable composites on resin-cavity interface. Dent Mater J. 2009 Nov;28(6):679-85 Authors: Ikeda I, Otsuki M, Sadr A, Nomura T, Kishikawa R, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate marginal integrity and wall adaptation in 1- and 2-mm-deep cavities restored with a high filler-loaded flowable …

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Sep 02 2011

The viscoelastic behavior of dental adhesives: a nanoindentation study.

The viscoelastic behavior of dental adhesives: a nanoindentation study. Dent Mater. 2009 Jan;25(1):13-9 Authors: Sadr A, Shimada Y, Lu H, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: In order to predict the long-term performance of dental adhesives, it is necessary to understand their mechanical properties. The objective of this study was to use a new nanoindentation technique to …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of caries-affected dentin hardness on the shear bond strength of current adhesives.

Effect of caries-affected dentin hardness on the shear bond strength of current adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2008 Dec;10(6):431-40 Authors: Wei S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the microshear bond strength of three current adhesives to normal and caries-affected dentin, and to examine the correlation …

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