Tag Archive: Shimada Y

Jul 27 2019

The effect of flowable composite lining and dentin location on microtensile bond strength and internal fracture formation.

. The effect of flowable composite lining and dentin location on microtensile bond strength and internal fracture formation. Dent Mater J. 2019 Jul 24;: Authors: Kominami N, Shimada Y, Hosaka K, Luong MN, Yoshiyama M, Sadr A, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the effect of flowable composite …

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Jun 11 2019

Effect of light-curing time on light-cure/post-cure volumetric polymerization shrinkage and regional ultimate tensile strength at different depths of bulk-fill resin composites.

. Effect of light-curing time on light-cure/post-cure volumetric polymerization shrinkage and regional ultimate tensile strength at different depths of bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater J. 2019 Jun 07;: Authors: Ide K, Nakajima M, Hayashi J, Hosaka K, Ikeda M, Shimada Y, Foxton RM, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this study was to …

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Jun 11 2019

Effect of light-curing time on light-cure/post-cure volumetric polymerization shrinkage and regional ultimate tensile strength at different depths of bulk-fill resin composites.

. Effect of light-curing time on light-cure/post-cure volumetric polymerization shrinkage and regional ultimate tensile strength at different depths of bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater J. 2019 Jun 07;: Authors: Ide K, Nakajima M, Hayashi J, Hosaka K, Ikeda M, Shimada Y, Foxton RM, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this study was to …

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May 19 2019

Dental cements: Bioactivity, bond strength and demineralization progression around restorations.

. Dental cements: Bioactivity, bond strength and demineralization progression around restorations. Am J Dent. 2018 Nov 15;31(Sp Is B):24B-31B Authors: Turkistani A, Islam S, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sadr A Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate demineralization progression around indirect restorations placed with various cements using swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) and microshear bond strength (MSBS) to …

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Mar 03 2019

Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites.

. Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater. 2019 Feb 25;: Authors: Hayashi J, Espigares J, Takagaki T, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Numata T, Chan D, Sadr A Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study visualized in real-time the gap forming of bulk-fill resin composites during polymerization using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS: …

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Mar 03 2019

Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites.

. Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater. 2019 Feb 25;: Authors: Hayashi J, Espigares J, Takagaki T, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Numata T, Chan D, Sadr A Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study visualized in real-time the gap forming of bulk-fill resin composites during polymerization using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS: …

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Feb 18 2019

Three-dimensional assessment of proximal contact enamel using optical coherence tomography.

. Three-dimensional assessment of proximal contact enamel using optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2019 Feb 12;: Authors: Ei TZ, Shimada Y, Abdou A, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to detect and investigate the association of enamel microcracks with demineralization at proximal contact areas of …

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