Tag Archive: Shimada Y

Sep 01 2018

Optical evaluation of enamel white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): An in vitro study.

. Optical evaluation of enamel white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2018 Aug 29;: Authors: Velusamy P, Shimada Y, Kanno Z, Ono T, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro detection of enamel white spot lesions …

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Sep 01 2018

Optical evaluation of enamel white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): An in vitro study.

. Optical evaluation of enamel white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2018 Aug 29;: Authors: Velusamy P, Shimada Y, Kanno Z, Ono T, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro detection of enamel white spot lesions …

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Aug 09 2018

Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation.

. Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation. Braz Oral Res. 2018 Aug 06;32:e80 Authors: Fronza BM, Makishi P, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J, Giannini M Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate microtensile bond strength (MTBS) and interfacial adaptation (IA) of bulk-fill restorative …

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Aug 09 2018

Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation.

. Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation. Braz Oral Res. 2018 Aug 06;32:e80 Authors: Fronza BM, Makishi P, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J, Giannini M Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate microtensile bond strength (MTBS) and interfacial adaptation (IA) of bulk-fill restorative …

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Jul 04 2018

Assessment of root caries under wet and dry conditions using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).

. Assessment of root caries under wet and dry conditions using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater J. 2018 Jun 29;: Authors: Zhou Y, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare optical properties of root caries under two observing conditions …

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Jul 04 2018

Assessment of root caries under wet and dry conditions using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).

. Assessment of root caries under wet and dry conditions using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater J. 2018 Jun 29;: Authors: Zhou Y, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare optical properties of root caries under two observing conditions …

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Jun 28 2018

Remineralization capacity of carious and non-carious white spot lesions: clinical evaluation using ICDAS and SS-OCT.

. Remineralization capacity of carious and non-carious white spot lesions: clinical evaluation using ICDAS and SS-OCT. Clin Oral Investig. 2018 Jun 08;: Authors: Kitasako Y, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Ikeda M, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: To assess the remineralization capacity of carious, non-carious, and combined white spot lesions (WSLs) using the ICDAS and …

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