Tag Archive: Shimada Y

Sep 29 2017

Comparison of resin-based and glass ionomer sealants with regard to fluoriderelease and anti-demineralization efficacy on adjacent unsealed enamel.

. Comparison of resin-based and glass ionomer sealants with regard to fluoriderelease and anti-demineralization efficacy on adjacent unsealed enamel. Dent Mater J. 2017 Sep 28;: Authors: Ei TZ, Shimada Y, Nakashima S, Romero MJRH, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract This study compared resin-based and glass ionomer sealants with regard to their fluoride-release behavior and anti-demineralization …

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Jun 25 2017

Mechanical properties and molecular structure analysis of subsurface dentin after Er:YAG laser irradiation.

Mechanical properties and molecular structure analysis of subsurface dentin after Er:YAG laser irradiation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2017 Jun 03;74:274-282 Authors: He Z, Chen L, Hu X, Shimada Y, Otsuki M, Tagami J, Ruan S Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemical and mechanical modifications in subsurface dentin layer after …

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May 20 2017

Real-Time Imaging of Gap Progress during and after Composite Polymerization.

. Real-Time Imaging of Gap Progress during and after Composite Polymerization. J Dent Res. 2017 May 01;:22034517709005 Authors: Hayashi J, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y, Sadr A Abstract The aims of this study were to observe the behavior of composite and formation of gaps during and immediately after light polymerization using swept source optical …

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May 20 2017

Real-Time Imaging of Gap Progress during and after Composite Polymerization.

. Real-Time Imaging of Gap Progress during and after Composite Polymerization. J Dent Res. 2017 May 01;:22034517709005 Authors: Hayashi J, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y, Sadr A Abstract The aims of this study were to observe the behavior of composite and formation of gaps during and immediately after light polymerization using swept source optical …

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Apr 25 2017

Assessment of enamel cracks at adhesive cavosurface margin using three-dimensional swept-source optical coherence tomography.

. Assessment of enamel cracks at adhesive cavosurface margin using three-dimensional swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Dent. 2017 Apr 19;: Authors: Tabata T, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tagami J, Sumi Y Abstract OBJECTIVES: Swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) can construct cross-sectional images of internal biological structures. The aim of this study was to evaluate enamel …

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Jan 26 2017

Evaluation of resin infiltration on demineralized root surface: An in vitro study.

. Evaluation of resin infiltration on demineralized root surface: An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2017 Jan 20;: Authors: Zhou Y, Matin K, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of resin infiltration on root caries induced by Streptococcus mutans biofilms. Human premolar specimens …

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Jan 17 2017

Evaluation of sub-surface penetration and bonding durability of self-etching primer systems to Er:YAG laser treated cervical dentin.

. Evaluation of sub-surface penetration and bonding durability of self-etching primer systems to Er:YAG laser treated cervical dentin. Dent Mater J. 2017 Jan 13;: Authors: He Z, Chen L, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Ruan S Abstract This study aimed to investigate self-etching bonding systems penetrating in sub-surface dentin layer after Er:YAG laser irradiation and micro-shear …

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