Tag Archive: Tagami J

Oct 27 2020

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic.

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic. Dent Mater J. 2020 Oct 24;: Authors: Kaykhine P, Tichy A, Abdou A, Hosaka K, Foxton RM, Sumi Y, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract The effect of warm air-blowing on the sealing ability of two one-bottle and one two-bottle …

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Oct 11 2020

Evaluation of dental caries, tooth crack, and age-related changes in tooth structure using optical coherence tomography.

Evaluation of dental caries, tooth crack, and age-related changes in tooth structure using optical coherence tomography. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2020 Nov;56(1):109-118 Authors: Shimada Y, Yoshiyama M, Tagami J, Sumi Y Abstract Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique that can visualize the internal biological structure without X-ray exposure. Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) is one …

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Oct 11 2020

Evaluation of dental caries, tooth crack, and age-related changes in tooth structure using optical coherence tomography.

Evaluation of dental caries, tooth crack, and age-related changes in tooth structure using optical coherence tomography. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2020 Nov;56(1):109-118 Authors: Shimada Y, Yoshiyama M, Tagami J, Sumi Y Abstract Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique that can visualize the internal biological structure without X-ray exposure. Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) is one …

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Oct 02 2020

Interfacial Evaluation of CAD/CAM Resin Inlays on the Cavity Floor Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography.

Interfacial Evaluation of CAD/CAM Resin Inlays on the Cavity Floor Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography. Oper Dent. 2020 Sep 30;: Authors: Han SH, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tagami J, Yang SE Abstract When a resin nanoceramic inlay is cemented using self-adhesive cement, a universal dentin adhesive can be applied to the prepared cavity. The application …

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Sep 29 2020

3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography.

. 3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 25;10(1):15754 Authors: Shimada Y, Burrow MF, Araki K, Zhou Y, Hosaka K, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Miyazaki T, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can create cross-sectional images of tooth without X-ray exposure. This study …

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Sep 29 2020

3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography.

. 3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 25;10(1):15754 Authors: Shimada Y, Burrow MF, Araki K, Zhou Y, Hosaka K, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Miyazaki T, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can create cross-sectional images of tooth without X-ray exposure. This study …

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Sep 26 2020

Effects of a surface prereacted glass-ionomer filler coating material on biofilm formation and inhibition of dentin demineralization.

. Effects of a surface prereacted glass-ionomer filler coating material on biofilm formation and inhibition of dentin demineralization. Clin Oral Investig. 2020 Sep 23;: Authors: Yamamoto S, Sayed M, Takahashi M, Matin K, Hiraishi N, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the ability of a surface prereacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) coating …

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