Tag Archive: Tagami J

Sep 02 2011

Adhesion of Epiphany self-etch sealer to dentin treated with intracanal irrigating solutions.

Adhesion of Epiphany self-etch sealer to dentin treated with intracanal irrigating solutions. J Endod. 2011 Feb;37(2):228-30 Authors: Nassar M, Awawdeh L, Jamleh A, Sadr A, Tagami J Abstract INTRODUCTION: This in vitro study assessed the adhesion of Epiphany self-etch (SE) root canal sealer to dentin treated with different irrigation regimens. METHODS: Flat dentin surfaces were …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of pretreatment with mildly acidic hypochlorous acid on adhesion to caries-affected dentin using a self-etch adhesive.

Effect of pretreatment with mildly acidic hypochlorous acid on adhesion to caries-affected dentin using a self-etch adhesive. Eur J Oral Sci. 2011 Feb;119(1):86-92 Authors: Kunawarote S, Nakajima M, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract Caries-affected dentin is covered with a thicker and organically enriched smear layer than normal dentin. This may affect the demineralization ability and …

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Sep 02 2011

Non-destructive 3D imaging of composite restorations using optical coherence tomography: marginal adaptation of self-etch adhesives.

Non-destructive 3D imaging of composite restorations using optical coherence tomography: marginal adaptation of self-etch adhesives. J Dent. 2011 Apr;39(4):316-25 Authors: Makishi P, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tagami J, Sumi Y Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate the potential use of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) as a new tool to evaluate marginal adaptation of composite restorations in …

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Sep 02 2011

An artificial biofilm induced secondary caries model for in vitro studies.

An artificial biofilm induced secondary caries model for in vitro studies. Aust Dent J. 2011 Mar;56(1):40-7 Authors: Hayati F, Okada A, Kitasako Y, Tagami J, Matin K Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to establish a new in vitro model for biofilm induced secondary caries studies using an oral biofilm reactor. METHODS: An …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of bonded area and/or fiber post placement on the fracture strengths of resin-core reconstructions for pulpless teeth.

Effect of bonded area and/or fiber post placement on the fracture strengths of resin-core reconstructions for pulpless teeth. Am J Dent. 2010 Dec;23(6):300-4 Authors: Nakajima M, Kanno T, Komada W, Miura H, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To compare the fracture strengths of pulpless teeth restored using resin cores with and without fiber posts, …

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Sep 02 2011

Effect of hesperidin in vitro on root dentine collagen and demineralization.

Effect of hesperidin in vitro on root dentine collagen and demineralization. J Dent. 2011 May;39(5):391-6 Authors: Hiraishi N, Sono R, Islam MS, Otsuki M, Tagami J, Takatsuka T Abstract OBJECTIVES: Caries progress might be controlled when collagen matrix could be preserved after demineralization. The aim of this pH cycling study was to investigate the effect …

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Sep 02 2011

Effects of C-factor and resin volume on the bonding to root canal with and without fibre post insertion.

Effects of C-factor and resin volume on the bonding to root canal with and without fibre post insertion. J Dent. 2011 Jun;39(6):422-9 Authors: Aksornmuang J, Nakajima M, Senawongse P, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of C-factor and resin volume on the regional bond strength of dual-cure …

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