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  • Professor Junji Tagami Receives the IADR


    Prof. Tagami received the Wilmer Souder Award (one of the IADR Distinguished Scientist Awards) at 95th IADR General Session in March 2017 in San Francisco, CA. WILMER SOUDER AWARD Supported by an endowment provided by the IADR Dental Materials Group Initiated in 1955, this is the oldest of the Science Awards. The award honors Dr. Wilmer Souder, the motivating force in establishing the Dental Section at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology), and is designed to perpetuate the scientific ideals which he exemplified, and to encourage interest in dental materials research. The award is made on the basis of scientific achievement of outstanding quality which has advanced or may reasonably be expected to significantly advance dental service to the public. It is intended to confer the highest honor in the field of dental materials research upon those scientists who, through research in this field, bring about outstanding advances in dental health. Established and supported by an endowment provided by IADR’s Dental Materials Group, the award consists of a monetary prize and a plaque. Among the past recipients of the prestigious award are two prominent professors emeritus of TMDU; T. Fusayama and N. Nakabayashi.



  • Dr Turkistani receives IADR Dental Materials Group travel award


    Dr Alaa Turkistani of Cariology and Operative Dentistry received the Dental Materials Group travel award from Asia Pacific region at IADR 2015 on March 14, 2015 in Boston, MA. Her research under supervision of Dr Alireza Sadr elucidated important relationship between interfacial defects and lesion progress around dental restorations. IADR HERAEUS KULZER TRAVEL AWARD



  • Award Winners of the 6th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry


    The winners of research awards at the 6th  International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry were announced on Feb 1, 2015 in the closing ceremony of the congress at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Choltacha Harnirattisai, the president of the 6th IAD announed Dr. Patricia Makishi, a former graduate student and researcher at TMDU Cariology and Operative Dentistry from State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil won the outstanding poster award for the research entitled “3D Leakage Pathway and Bond Strength of Current Adhesive Systems in Class-I Cavity” by Makishi P, Thitthaweerat S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Giannini M, Tagami J, Sumi Y.

    Other congress award winners from Cariology and Operative Dentistry were as follows:

    Inoue Go, Mashiko R, Atomura J, Tagami J: Morphological Assessment of the Effect of Calcium-containing Primer System.

    Bista Baba, Nakashima S, Nikaido T, Sadr A, Takagaki T, Tagami J: Adsorption Behavior of Adhesive Functional Monomer MDP to Apatite Surface at Neutral pH.

    Kong Kalyan, Islam MS, Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Otsuki M, Yiu CK, Tagami J. Effect of Phytic Acid Etchant on the Stability of Demineralized Dentin and Dentin Bonding.

    imageMakishi-IAD-Award Inoue-IAD-Award Kong-IAD-Award Bista-IAD-Awardgo-award image

  • IADR Hatton Awards 2014


    Dr Mohannad Nassar of Cariology and Operative Dentistry was awarded as the winner of Unilever Hatton Divisional Award and final competitor of the The IADR Unilever Hatton Competition at the 92nd IADR General Session,June 25-28, 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa. The awards allowed Dr. Nassar, as one of the best junior investigators from Japan to present his research at the annual IADR General Session. Dr. Nassar’s work was entitled “Phytic Acid: An Alternative Root Canal Chelating Agent” (abstract).

    Dr. Mohannad Nassar

    Dr. Mohannad Nassar

    IADR Hatton 2014 (2)

  • ORCA Award 2014


    Dr. Maja Romero, graduate student of Cariology and Operative Dentistry was one of the five recipients of the European Organization for Caries Research ORCA Conference Travel Fellowship 2014. The 61st ORCA Congress was held in Greifswald, Germany last July 2-5, 2014. She received a cash prize for the presentation “M.J.R.H. Romero, S. Nakashima, A. Sadr, T. Nikaido, J. Tagami: Effect of Casein as a Model Pellicle Precursor Protein on In vitro Dentin Remineralization.” during the opening ceremony on July 3.


  • A report on the TMDU OCT conference



    The first international symposium on optical coherence tomography (OCT) in dentistry highlighted the many advantages of optical diagnostics over current “gold standard” technologies, including improved safety and earlier detection of decay. Stakeholders are now taking steps that will help this modality take root—and eventually improve patient outcomes.

    Read the full article on BioOptics World

  • Japanese Society of Adhesive Dentistry Prize Winners


    The winners of prizes from Japanese Society of Adhesive Dentistry in 2012 were introduced during the 32nd annual meeting of the society on December 1, 2013 in Fukuoka. The following members of cariology and operative dentistry were among the winners this year.

    Top paper awards: Dr. Toru Nikaido, Dr. Kanako Aoki
    Top presentation award: Dr. Alireza Sadr


  • TMDU researchers win the top awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia


    Researchers from Cariology and Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical and Dental University bring home all the three research awards of the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA. The awards were presented  by the congress president, Prof. Markus Blatz in a ceremony held at the congress closing on June 15, 2013 at Penn Dental Medicine.

    The first place award went to Dr. Alireza Sadr for his work titled Non-destructive Non-staining 3D Analysis of Marginal and Internal Microgaps.  The second and the third awards were presented to Dr. Tomohiro Takagaki and Dr. Noriko Hiraishi for their presentations on QCM-D Analysis of Chemical Adsorption of Functional-monomer with HAp Sensor and Monomers Interaction to Collagen Studied by Saturation Transfer Difference NMR., respectively.



  • Publication of Time vol. 6


    TIME6The latest volume of TIME alumni bulletin contains an article about the visit of Prof. Tagami to the Peking university, as well as recent visits of international researchers to the department. Senior faculty members and post-doctoral researchers have an introduction section in this issue. As usual, first year graduate students have a short self-introduction section with their photos. Let’s welcome the new comers!

  • OCT Special Symposium hosted at TMDU


    Cariology and Operative Dentistry will hold a special symposium dedicated to the development and applications of optical coherence tomography in dentistry. World renowned speakers in the filed from the US and Japan will speak in the event, which will be held on June 20-21, 2013 in the Faculty of Dentistry. For registration and more information visit the OCT Symposium page. There symposium also included a special poster session on Dental OCT.






  • Professor Tagami named as guest professor of Peking University


    In a ceremony held by Peking University on Feb 18, 2013 Professor Junji Tagami was appointed as an honorary guest professor of the school in recognition of his outstanding achievements. Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology is a key national college in the field located in Beijing, China. The school emphasizes international cooperation and communication with top level research and education universities across the world. During his visit, Professor Tagami gave a lecture on recent advancement in the field of Cariology and Minimal Invasive Operative dentistry. Professor Tao Xu, Dean of Peking University School of Stomatology hosted this ceremony.

  • Publication featured as Caries Res cover illustration


    One of our recent works has been featured as the cover page illustration of Caries Research journal (2013/1). The journal is among the most prestigious publications in the field of cariology. The paper was the work of a GCOE AISS student on estimation of mineral content from refractive index.Read abstract here.

  • Publication of TIME Vol. 4


    The latest volume of TIME alumni bulletin contains an editorial by our chairman about the international cooperation with the middle-eastern and Asian universities. Full-time junior and senior faculty members have an extended section dedicated to research in this issue. As usual, first year graduate students have a short self-introduction section.

  • Publication of TIME Vol. 3


    Cariology and operative dentistry bulletin Vol. 3 was published and sent to the alumni members of the group. In this issue Prof. Tagami introduces new graduate students from various countries, faculty members report on their research findings and short-term stay abroad, and fresh persons shortly introduce themselves.

  • Publication of TIME Vol. 2


    The alumni bulletin “Time” or “The Big Dream”, including reports on the latest news academic and activities of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, and introduction of new group members was published. In this issue faculty members report on their sabbatical experiences abroad.

  • 4th IAD congress awards


    The 4th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry named both “Outstanding Paper Award” winners form Cariology and Operative Dentistry. The conference was chaired by Prof. Ho-Hyun Son of Seoul National University, and  held over three days in Seoul, South Korea.

  • 2011 IADR/Unilever Hatton Divisional Award


    Dr Takgakai wins the 2011 IADR/Unilever Hatton Divisional Award in the Senior Basic Science Category at the 89th IADR General Session in San Diego.
    He receive the award in a ceremony held with Lima Navarro, President of IADR and Marco Bottarelli VP, Research & Development Unilever Oral Care on March 17, 2011.

  • Publication of TIME Vol. 1


    The bulletin of “Cariology and Operative Dentistry Alumni (Vol. 1)” was published. The bulletin is named “The Big Dream”, which simply reads “Time” in the Japanese Kanji characters.
    This name is derived from the words of Prof. Junji Tagami in the farewell remarks of graduating students “wish you a big dream”. This bulletin includes reports on the latest news academic and activities of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, and introduces our new group members.

  • Hosting 132nd JSCD conference


    Cariology and Operative Dentistry hosted the 132nd General Session of The Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry (2010 Spring Meeting) on 4-5 June 2010, at Kumamoto, Japan. Prof. Nairn Wilson, Dean and Head of King’s College London Dental Institute and Dr Margaret Wilson, President of the European Section, Academy of Operative Dentistry were the invited international speakers to the conference, which was chaired by Prof. Junji Tagami.
    An overview of the program in English

  • King’s College London Doctor of Medicine, Honoris Causa


    Professor Tagami, Dean of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University and an international opinion leader in the field of applied dental biomaterials science was among 2008’s eight King’s College London Honorary Graduates. He received the degrees at a ceremony at the College on 26 November. Honorary Degrees of King’s College London are awarded to individuals who are of conspicuous merit as demonstrated by their outstanding academic or intellectual contribution to their field. King’s College London is one of the top universities in the world and the fourth oldest in England. King’s has a particularly distinguished reputation in the health sciences, and is the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe. Professor Nairn Wilson and other King’s dental faculty members attended this ceremony.

