

3 27 2012

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Morphological categorization of acid-base resistant zones with self-etching primer adhesive systems.

Morphological categorization of acid-base resistant zones with self-etching primer adhesive systems.

Dent Mater J. 2012 Mar 23;

Authors: Inoue G, Nikaido T, Sadr A, Tagami J

This study investigated the influence of the composition of self-etching primer adhesive systems on the morphology of acid-base resistant zones (ABRZs). One-step self-etching primer systems (Clearfil Tri-S Bond, G-Bond, and One-Up Bond F Plus) and two-step self-etching primer systems (Clearfil SE Bond, Clearfil Protect Bond, UniFil Bond, and Mac Bond II) were used in this study. Each adhesive was applied on prepared dentin disk surfaces, and a resin composite was placed between two dentin disks. All resin-bonded specimens were subjected to acid-base challenge. Observation under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed the creation of an ABRZ adjacent to the hybrid layer for all the self-etch primer adhesive systems, even when non-fluoride releasing adhesives were used. The presence of fluoride in two-step self-etching adhesive significantly increased the thickness of ABRZ created. Results suggested that an ABRZ was created with the use of self-etching primer adhesive systems, but its morphology differed between one-and two-step self-etching primer adhesive systems and was influenced by fluoride release activity.

[cite source='pubmed']22447057[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]