

3 07 2015

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The role of MDP in a bonding resin of a two-step self-etching adhesive system.


The role of MDP in a bonding resin of a two-step self-etching adhesive system.

Dent Mater J. 2015 Feb 24;

Authors: Matsui N, Takagaki T, Sadr A, Ikeda M, Ichinose S, Nikaido T, Tagami J

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (MDP) contained in the bonding resin of a two-step self-etch adhesive system. An experimental adhesive (M0) containing MDP only in the primer, but not in the bonding resin was prepared. Clearfil SE Bond (MM) and M0 were compared in terms of microtensile bond strength to dentin, ultimate tensile strength of the bonding resin, and dentin-resin bonding interface morphology under SEM and TEM. The immediate µTBS values of MM significantly decreased after thermal cycles while M0 were stable even after 10,000 cycles. In the SEM observations, formation of erosion was observed beneath the acid-base resistant zone only in M0. The results suggested that MDP in the bonding resin of the two-step self-etching system; 1) improved the immediate bond strength, but caused reduction in long-term bond durability; 2) offered the advantages of acid-base resistance at the ABRZ forefront area.

[cite source='pubmed']25740167[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]