

7 29 2017

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Erosive Tooth Wear Among Different Tooth Types and Surfaces in Japanese Adults 15 to 89 Years Old.


Erosive Tooth Wear Among Different Tooth Types and Surfaces in Japanese Adults 15 to 89 Years Old.

Oral Health Prev Dent. 2017 Jul 25;:357-364

Authors: Kitasako Y, Sasaki Y, Takagaki T, Sadr A, Tagami J

PURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence of erosive tooth wear on buccal, incisal/occlusal and palatal/lingual surfaces in a wide age range of Japanese adults.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included a total of 1108 adults aged 15 to 89 years in Tokyo, Japan. The subjects were asked to complete a self-administered nutrition-related questionnaire. Two examiners evaluated tooth wear on the buccal, occlusal/incisal and palatal/lingual surfaces in a full-mouth recording, using a modified Smith and Knight tooth-wear index. Subjects who frequently consumed acidic beverages or food, or had gastric reflux and at least one tooth with an initial enamel smooth-surface wear facet were placed in an erosion-positive group, and the rest of subjects were placed in the erosion-negative group.
RESULTS: 26.1% of the participants were placed in the erosion-positive group. For buccal surfaces, advanced wear progression was predominantly observed on maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, especially in the youngest age group (15-39 years). On incisal/occlusal surfaces, early dentin exposure was observed in the middle age group (40-49 years) in the erosion-positive group. For palatal/lingual surfaces, wear progression was mainly observed on maxillary anterior teeth among 30- to 39-year olds and 50- to 59-year-old in the erosion-positive group, but that prevalence was lower than for the other tooth surfaces.
CONCLUSIONS: For all age groups of Japanese adults, the prevalence of erosive tooth wear depended on tooth types and surfaces.

[cite source='pubmed']28748234[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]