

6 23 2018

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Influence of FCP-COMPLEX on bond strength and the adhesive-artificial cariesaffected dentin interface.


Influence of FCP-COMPLEX on bond strength and the adhesive-artificial cariesaffected dentin interface.

Dent Mater J. 2018 Jun 20;:

Authors: Atomura J, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Yamanaka K, Uo M, Tagami J

FCP-COMPLEX is a newly developed solution containing fluoride, calcium, and phosphoric acid that has the potential to reinforce caries-affected dentin. This study evaluated the effect of FCP-COMPLEX on micro-tensile bond strength (µTBS) and acid-challenge at the dentin-adhesive interface. FCP-COMPLEX, 2% NaF, and distilled water were applied to artificial caries-affected dentin (ACAD) and the effect on acid-induced damage after resin composite restoration was observed. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) were used to evaluate tooth morphology. The µTBS test revealed no effect of FCP-COMPLEX either immediately or after 3 months’ storage. The area of acid damage in caries-affected dentin was reduced by FCP-COMPLEX. XAFS analysis revealed that absorbed fluorine on the surface would form CaF2. In conclusion, FCP-COMPLEX significantly reduced the damage of acidic attack at the ACAD-adhesive interface, while the µTBS value was maintained after storage.

[cite source='pubmed']29925732[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]