

3 03 2019

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Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites.


Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites.

Dent Mater. 2019 Feb 25;:

Authors: Hayashi J, Espigares J, Takagaki T, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Numata T, Chan D, Sadr A

OBJECTIVES: This study visualized in real-time the gap forming of bulk-fill resin composites during polymerization using optical coherence tomography (OCT).
METHODS: Light-cured bulk-fill resin composites; Tetric N-ceram Bulk Fill (TNB), SonicFill (SNF), Surefil SDR (SDR), dual-cured bulk-fill resin composite Bulk EZ (BEZ), and light-cured core resin composite Clearfil Photo Core (CPC) were investigated. Swept-source OCT real-time cross-sectional monitoring was obtained during resin composite placement and curing procedure. Gap formation was observed in bonded cylindrical resin composite molds (4-mm depth, 3-mm diameter) and free shrinkage volume was observed at the top and bottom of a tube with similar dimensions (n=10). OCT 3D data were analyzed to calculate sealing floor area percentage (SFA%) and volumetric shrinkage in bonded tube (VS%). Data were analyzed by ANOVA at significance level of 0.05. The bottom-top degree of conversion ratio (DC%-R) through 4-mm depth was measured using the XploRA Plus micro-Raman spectroscopy.
RESULTS: BEZ showed no gap formation at the cavity floor in any specimens while SNF showed the highest gap formation; the statistical order in terms of SFA% was BEZ (100±0)>TNB (84.97±2.98)>CPC (52.13±8.23)=SDR (45.97±9.21)>SNF (16.23±6.00) (p<0.05). On the other hand, total VS% was statistically ordered as BEZ (3.40±0.14)>SDR (3.22±0.09)>TNB (1.82±0.11)>SNF (1.65±0.04)=CPC (1.56±0.04) (p<0.05). Unlike BEZ, the light-cured resin composites showed larger shrinkage at specimen bottom than top. TNB showed the lowest DC%-R followed by SNF (p<0.05).
SIGNIFICANCE: Light-cured bulk-fill resin composites showed various degrees of gap formation and shrinkage at 4-mm deep cavity. The dual-cured bulk-filled resin composite showed no decrease of degree of conversion through the depth and the highest cavity adaptation despite its tendency for higher volumetric shrinkage.

[cite source='pubmed']30819550[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]