

7 27 2019

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Cavity adaptation of composite restorations prepared at crown and root: Optical assessment using SS-OCT.


Cavity adaptation of composite restorations prepared at crown and root: Optical assessment using SS-OCT.

Dent Mater J. 2019 Jul 24;:

Authors: Alshahni RZ, Shimada Y, Zhou Y, Yoshiyama M, Sadr A, Sumi Y, Tagami J

Evaluation of gap formation at the interfaces of a two-step self-etching adhesive with/without pre-etching was performed using sweptsource optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Round cavities were prepared in bovine incisors at the middle (MC) and cervical (CC) thirds of the crown and the cervical third of the root (CR). Clearfil SE bond was directly applied to one group (SE) and another (PA) was pretreated with K-etchant gel. Following restoration by flowable composite resin, the teeth were thermally challenged and stored for 2 months. Interfacial gaps observed in the cross-sectional OCT images were analyzed and the bottom cavities exhibited increased gaps compared to the margin and dentin-enamel junction (DEJ). The CR site had a larger gap than at MC and CC in the SE group. DEJ separation at the MC was significantly smaller than that at CC in both groups. Therefore, gap formation depends on the cavity region, location, and bonding protocol.

[cite source='pubmed']31341148[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]