

11 09 2020

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The effect of curing mode of dual-cure resin cements on bonding performance of universal adhesives to enamel, dentin and various restorative materials

Dent Mater J. 2021 Mar 31;40(2):446-454. doi: 10.4012/dmj.2020-077. Epub 2020 Nov 7.


The effect of curing mode of dual-cure resin cements on the tensile bond strength (TBS) of universal adhesives to enamel, dentin, zirconia, lithium disilicate ceramics (LDS), feldspathic porcelain (FP), and a Pd-Au alloy was evaluated. The substrates were bonded using Tokuyama Universal Bond (TUB) or Scotchbond Universal Adhesive (SBU), followed by luting with Estecem II (ECII) or Rely-X Ultimate (RXU), respectively, which were used either in light-curing or self-curing mode. The TBS test was performed after 24 h or 5,000 thermal cycles. Light-curing significantly improved the 24-h TBS of TUB/ECII to enamel, dentin and FP, as well as the TBS of SBU/RXU to all substrates except LDS. After thermal cycling, light-curing significantly increased the TBS of both adhesives/cements to dentin, but significant differences between curing modes were seldom observed for other substrates. This suggested that light-curing is essential for the hydrophilic dentin, but self-curing might be sufficient for other substrates.

PMID:33162459 | DOI:10.4012/dmj.2020-077