

11�� 17 2020

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Effects of mechanical abrasion challenge on sound and demineralized dentin surfaces treated with SDF

Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 16;10(1):19884. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77035-9.


This study evaluated the effect of mechanical abrasion on the surface integrity, color change (ΔE) and antibacterial properties of demineralized and sound dentin surfaces treated with silver-diammine-fluoride (SDF). The dentin specimens were divided into two groups: sound and demineralized dentin, then divided into three sub-groups, control (no-treatment), SDF, and SDF + potassium-iodide (KI). Each sub-group was further divided into two groups, one exposed to mechanical brushing and the other without brushing. Specimens were analyzed for the ΔE, surface roughness/surface loss and antibacterial properties (CFU, optical density and fluorescent microscope). Repeated Measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis of color change while one-way ANOVA was used for CFU analysis. SDF and SDI + KI groups showed significant reduction in ΔE with brushing in the sound dentin group unlike the demineralized group. The surface roughness values were higher for both SDF and SDF + KI groups but roughness values significantly decreased after brushing. Both SDF and SDF + KI groups revealed significantly less surface loss than control. The SDF group showed high anti-bacterial effect after brushing, unlike SDF + KI group. So, we concluded that mechanical brushing improved the esthetic outcome. While, SDF and SDF + KI could protect the dentin surface integrity. SDF-treated dentin possesses an antibacterial property even after mechanical brushing.

PMID:33199833 | PMC:PMC7669835 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-77035-9