Tag Archive: MN

1 21 2021

Effect of pH of bleaching agent on tooth bleaching action in vitro.

. Effect of pH of bleaching agent on tooth bleaching action in vitro. Dent Mater J. 2021 Jan 15;: Authors: Wijetunga CL, Otsuki M, Hiraishi N, Luong MN, Tagami J Abstract This study investigated the effect of pH of bleaching agent, photo-irradiation time or application times on bleaching action using hematoporphyrin-stained papers (HSPs) and artificially …

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1 21 2021

Effect of pH of bleaching agent on tooth bleaching action in vitro.

. Effect of pH of bleaching agent on tooth bleaching action in vitro. Dent Mater J. 2021 Jan 15;: Authors: Wijetunga CL, Otsuki M, Hiraishi N, Luong MN, Tagami J Abstract This study investigated the effect of pH of bleaching agent, photo-irradiation time or application times on bleaching action using hematoporphyrin-stained papers (HSPs) and artificially …

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3 22 2020

Diagnosis of Occlusal Caries with Dynamic Slicing of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography Images.

. Diagnosis of Occlusal Caries with Dynamic Slicing of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Sensors (Basel). 2020 Mar 17;20(6): Authors: Luong MN, Shimada Y, Araki K, Yoshiyama M, Tagami J, Sadr A Abstract Detecting the extent of occlusal caries is a clinically important but challenging task required for treatment decision making. The aim of this …

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3 04 2020

Effect of Light Irradiation Condition on Gap Formation Under Polymeric Dental Restoration; OCT study.

. Effect of Light Irradiation Condition on Gap Formation Under Polymeric Dental Restoration; OCT study. Z Med Phys. 2020 Feb 26;: Authors: Bakhsh TA, Tagami J, Sadr A, Luong MN, Turkistani A, Almhimeed Y, Alshouibi E Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of two light-curing systems; quartz tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED), and irradiation …

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3 04 2020

Effect of Light Irradiation Condition on Gap Formation Under Polymeric Dental Restoration; OCT study.

. Effect of Light Irradiation Condition on Gap Formation Under Polymeric Dental Restoration; OCT study. Z Med Phys. 2020 Feb 26;: Authors: Bakhsh TA, Tagami J, Sadr A, Luong MN, Turkistani A, Almhimeed Y, Alshouibi E Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of two light-curing systems; quartz tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED), and irradiation …

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3 02 2020

Effect of light irradiation condition on gap formation under polymeric dental restoration; OCT study

Z Med Phys. 2020 Aug;30(3):194-200. doi: 10.1016/j.zemedi.2020.02.001. Epub 2020 Feb 26. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of two light-curing systems; quartz tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED), and irradiation time on interfacial gap formation of dental composite resin restorations bonded with an adhesive resin using optical coherence tomography (OCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty cavities …

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3 02 2020

Effect of light irradiation condition on gap formation under polymeric dental restoration; OCT study

Z Med Phys. 2020 Aug;30(3):194-200. doi: 10.1016/j.zemedi.2020.02.001. Epub 2020 Feb 26. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of two light-curing systems; quartz tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED), and irradiation time on interfacial gap formation of dental composite resin restorations bonded with an adhesive resin using optical coherence tomography (OCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty cavities …

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