Tag Archive: Nakajima M

1 14 2021

Additive effects of touch-activated polymerization and extended irradiation time on bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin.

. Additive effects of touch-activated polymerization and extended irradiation time on bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin. J Prosthet Dent. 2021 Jan 08;: Authors: Dwiandhany WS, Abdou A, Tichy A, Yonekura K, Ikeda M, Hosaka K, Tagami J, Nakajima M Abstract STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin …

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1 14 2021

Additive effects of touch-activated polymerization and extended irradiation time on bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin.

. Additive effects of touch-activated polymerization and extended irradiation time on bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin. J Prosthet Dent. 2021 Jan 08;: Authors: Dwiandhany WS, Abdou A, Tichy A, Yonekura K, Ikeda M, Hosaka K, Tagami J, Nakajima M Abstract STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The bonding of light-activated adhesives to root canal dentin …

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12 30 2020

Effect of water storage and thermocycling on light transmission properties, translucency and refractive index of nanofilled flowable composites.

. Effect of water storage and thermocycling on light transmission properties, translucency and refractive index of nanofilled flowable composites. Dent Mater J. 2020 Dec 24;: Authors: Almasabi W, Tichy A, Abdou A, Hosaka K, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract The effect of 1-week water storage and subsequent 10,000 thermal cycles on light transmission properties (straight-line …

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11 11 2020

The effect of curing mode of dual-cure resin cements on bonding performance of universal adhesives to enamel, dentin and various restorative materials.

. The effect of curing mode of dual-cure resin cements on bonding performance of universal adhesives to enamel, dentin and various restorative materials. Dent Mater J. 2020 Nov 07;: Authors: Madrigal EL, Tichy A, Hosaka K, Ikeda M, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract The effect of curing mode of dual-cure resin cements on the tensile …

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10 27 2020

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic.

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic. Dent Mater J. 2020 Oct 24;: Authors: Kaykhine P, Tichy A, Abdou A, Hosaka K, Foxton RM, Sumi Y, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract The effect of warm air-blowing on the sealing ability of two one-bottle and one two-bottle …

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10 27 2020

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic.

Long-term evaluation of warm-air treatment effect on adaptation of silane-containing universal adhesives to lithium disilicate ceramic. Dent Mater J. 2020 Oct 24;: Authors: Kaykhine P, Tichy A, Abdou A, Hosaka K, Foxton RM, Sumi Y, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract The effect of warm air-blowing on the sealing ability of two one-bottle and one two-bottle …

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8 19 2020

Replacing mandibular central incisors with a direct resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis by using a bilayering composite resin injection technique with a digital workflow: A dental technique.

. Replacing mandibular central incisors with a direct resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis by using a bilayering composite resin injection technique with a digital workflow: A dental technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2020 Aug 13;: Authors: Hosaka K, Tichy A, Hasegawa Y, Motoyama Y, Kanazawa M, Tagami J, Nakajima M Abstract A straightforward technique is presented for …

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