

10 26 2016

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Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques.

Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques.

Dent Mater. 2016 Oct 19;:

Authors: Hiraishi N, Maruno T, Tochio N, Sono R, Otsuki M, Takatsuka T, Tagami J, Kobayashi Y

OBJECTIVE: Dentin collagen can be modified by some plant-derived flavonoids to improve properties of dentin organic matrix. Hesperidin (HPN), a hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside flavonoid, has a potential of dentin modification for being based on evidence that a treatment with HPN may resist collagenase degradation and arrest demineralization of human dentin. In this study, biophysical and molecular-level information on the interaction of HPN and collagen was investigated.
METHODS: HPN is extracted from citrus fruits. Sample collagenous solution was prepared using atelocollagen (ATCL) as a triple-helical peptide model. We have performed circular dichroism spectroscopic analysis, sedimentation velocity measurement by ultracentrifuge and saturation transfer difference measurement (STD) by NMR on HPN-collagen in solution state.
RESULTS: The circular dichroism and sedimentation velocity measurement showed the evidence for the molecular interaction between ATCL and HPN, while HPN did not induce any conformational change of ATCL. The STD-NMR study further confirmed this interaction and suggested that HPN interacted with ATCL through its aromatic part, not through its disaccharide moiety.
SIGNIFICANCE: These findings indicated that HPN is weakly bound to ATCL not causing structural modification of collagen. This interaction may contribute to the preservation of collagen by protecting from collagenase degradation.

[cite source='pubmed']27771138[/cite] – as supplied by publisher]