Tag Archive: HPN

10 26 2016

Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques.

Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques. Dent Mater. 2016 Oct 19;: Authors: Hiraishi N, Maruno T, Tochio N, Sono R, Otsuki M, Takatsuka T, Tagami J, Kobayashi Y Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dentin collagen can be modified by some plant-derived flavonoids to improve properties of dentin organic matrix. Hesperidin (HPN), a hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside flavonoid, has a …

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1 18 2016

Comparative study of demineralized collagen degradation determined by Hydroxyproline assay and Microscopic depth measurement.

. Comparative study of demineralized collagen degradation determined by Hydroxyproline assay and Microscopic depth measurement. J Dent. 2016 Jan 7; Authors: Islam MS, Khunkar SJ, Nakashima S, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Tagami J Abstract INTRODUCTION: Quantification of collagen degradation is an important parameter to evaluate dentin caries progression or the efficacy of caries prevention aid. …

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9 11 2014

Effect of hesperidin incorporation into a self-etching primer on durability of dentin bond.

. Effect of hesperidin incorporation into a self-etching primer on durability of dentin bond. Dent Mater. 2014 Sep 3; Authors: Islam MS, Hiraishi N, Nassar M, Yiu C, Otsuki M, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: Collagen degradation at the resin-dentin interface deteriorates dentin bond durability. The use of natural cross-linkers might offer a positive approach to …

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9 18 2012

Effect of natural cross-linkers incorporation in a self-etching primer on dentine bond strength.

Related Articles Effect of natural cross-linkers incorporation in a self-etching primer on dentine bond strength. J Dent. 2012 Sep 11; Authors: Islam MS, Hiraishi N, Nassar M, Yiu C, Otsuki M, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this in-vitro study was to investigate the effect of incorporation of natural cross-linkers into the primer of …

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