Tag Archive: SA

3 05 2019

Effects of alumina-blasting pressure on the bonding to super/ultra-translucent zirconia.

. Effects of alumina-blasting pressure on the bonding to super/ultra-translucent zirconia. Dent Mater. 2019 Feb 27;: Authors: Aung SSMP, Takagaki T, Lyann SK, Ikeda M, Inokoshi M, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: Translucent zirconia has brought the advantages such as less tooth preparation, biological compatibility, high strength, good mechanical properties, and less …

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12 04 2015

Influence of resin coating on bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin.

. Influence of resin coating on bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin. Dent Mater J. 2015;34(6):822-7 Authors: Giannini M, Takagaki T, Bacelar-Sá R, Vermelho PM, Ambrosano GM, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Tagami J Abstract This study evaluated the effect of resin coating (COA) on dentin bond strength (BS) of five resin cements (RC). …

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6 23 2014

Sealing performance of resin cements before and after thermal cycling: evaluation by optical coherence tomography.

. Sealing performance of resin cements before and after thermal cycling: evaluation by optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2014 Sep;30(9):993-1004 Authors: Turkistani A, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Nikaido T, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: Self-adhesive resin cements have been recently introduced; however, there is little data available on their long-term performance. In this in …

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4 25 2013

Effects of curing mode and moisture on nanoindentation mechanical properties and bonding of a self-adhesive resin cement to pulp chamber floor.

Related Articles on PubMed Effects of curing mode and moisture on nanoindentation mechanical properties and bonding of a self-adhesive resin cement to pulp chamber floor. Dent Mater. 2013 Apr 19; Authors: Moosavi H, Hariri I, Sadr A, Thitthaweerat S, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effect of dentin surface moisture and …

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12 06 2012

Effect of smear layer treatment on dentin bond of self-adhesive cements.

Related Articles Effect of smear layer treatment on dentin bond of self-adhesive cements. Dent Mater J. 2012;31(6):980-7 Authors: Kambara K, Nakajima M, Hosaka K, Takahashi M, Thanatvarakorn O, Ichinose S, M Foxton R, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the dentin bond strength of three self-adhesive cements with smear layer …

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6 24 2012

Effects of Water Storage on Bond Strength and Dentin Sealing Ability Promoted by Adhesive Systems.

Related Articles Effects of Water Storage on Bond Strength and Dentin Sealing Ability Promoted by Adhesive Systems. J Adhes Dent. 2012 Jun 18; Authors: Cantanhede de Sá RB, Oliveira Carvalho A, Puppin-Rontani RM, Ambrosano GM, Nikaido T, Tagami J, Giannini M Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the dentin bond strength (BS) and sealing ability (SA) promoted …

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