Tag Archive: Sadr A

7 22 2016

Assessment of bacterial demineralization around composite restorations using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).

. Assessment of bacterial demineralization around composite restorations using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater. 2016 Jul 16; Authors: Zhou Y, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: To observe the bacterial demineralization of the enamel and dentin around composite restorations bonded with one-step and two-step self-etch adhesive systems …

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7 20 2016

Monitoring of cariogenic demineralization at the enamel-composite interface using swept-source optical coherence tomography.

. Monitoring of cariogenic demineralization at the enamel-composite interface using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2016 Jul 14; Authors: Horie K, Shimada Y, Matin K, Ikeda M, Sadr A, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate enamel demineralization at composite restoration margins caused by cariogenic biofilm using …

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7 05 2016

Internal adaptation of resin composites at two configurations: Influence of polymerization shrinkage and stress.

Internal adaptation of resin composites at two configurations: Influence of polymerization shrinkage and stress. Dent Mater. 2016 Jun 29; Authors: Han SH, Sadr A, Tagami J, Park SH Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study compared internal adaptation of composites under different C-factors and examined the relationship between internal adaptation and polymerization shrinkage parameters. METHODS: Cylindrical cavities 3mm …

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6 25 2016

Dentin bonding performance and interface observation of an MMA-based restorative material.

Dentin bonding performance and interface observation of an MMA-based restorative material. Dent Mater J. 2016 Jun 23; Authors: Shinagawa J, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Ikeda M, Sadr A, Tagami J Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate bonding performance and dentin interface acid resistance using a 4-META/MMA-TBB based restorative material (BF) compared to …

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6 03 2016

Assessment of occlusal fissure depth and sealant penetration using optical coherence tomography.

Assessment of occlusal fissure depth and sealant penetration using optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater J. 2016;35(3):432-9 Authors: Ito S, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Nakajima Y, Miyashin M, Tagami J, Sumi Y Abstract Swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) is an interferometric imaging technique. This study aimed to assess SS-OCT as a diagnostic tool for the …

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5 22 2016

Morphological Evaluation of the Adhesive/Enamel interfaces of Two-step Self-etching Adhesives and Multimode One-bottle Self-etching Adhesives.

. Morphological Evaluation of the Adhesive/Enamel interfaces of Two-step Self-etching Adhesives and Multimode One-bottle Self-etching Adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2016 May 19; Authors: Sato T, Takagaki T, Matsui N, Hamba H, Sadr A, Nikaido T, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the acid-base resistant zone (ABRZ) at the adhesive/enamel interface of self-etching adhesives with or …

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4 17 2016

Fractography of interface after microtensile bond strength test using swept-source optical coherence tomography.

. Fractography of interface after microtensile bond strength test using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2016 Apr 11; Authors: Dao Luong MN, Shimada Y, Turkistani A, Tagami J, Sumi Y, Sadr A Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of crosshead speed and placement technique on interfacial crack formation in microtensile bond strength (MTBS) test …

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