Tag Archive: Tagami J

9 29 2019

Evaluation of mechanical properties of new elastomer material applicable for dental 3D printer.

Evaluation of mechanical properties of new elastomer material applicable for dental 3D printer. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2019 Aug 22;100:103390 Authors: Alsandi Q, Ikeda M, Nikaido T, Tsuchida Y, Sadr A, Yui N, Suzuki T, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: Digital technology has advanced and changed clinical dentistry. The utility of various thermoplastic materials for …

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9 24 2019

Subsequent application of bonding agents to a one-step self-etch adhesive – Its effect with/without previous light-curing.

. Subsequent application of bonding agents to a one-step self-etch adhesive – Its effect with/without previous light-curing. Dent Mater. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Tichy A, Hosaka K, Bradna P, Ikeda M, Abdou A, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: The influence of light-curing of a one-step self-etch adhesive (1-SEA) prior to the application of different …

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9 24 2019

Subsequent application of bonding agents to a one-step self-etch adhesive – Its effect with/without previous light-curing.

. Subsequent application of bonding agents to a one-step self-etch adhesive – Its effect with/without previous light-curing. Dent Mater. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Tichy A, Hosaka K, Bradna P, Ikeda M, Abdou A, Nakajima M, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: The influence of light-curing of a one-step self-etch adhesive (1-SEA) prior to the application of different …

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8 23 2019

Effect of application of desensitizers before bleaching on change of tooth shade.

. Effect of application of desensitizers before bleaching on change of tooth shade. Dent Mater J. 2019 Aug 22;: Authors: Kyaw KY, Otsuki M, Hiraishi N, Segarra MS, Tagami J Abstract The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of desensitizer pre-treatment on in-office bleaching using an artificial discoloration tooth model. …

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8 23 2019

Effect of the Dentin Chelating Agents Phytic Acid and EDTA on Degree of Conversion, Microhardness, and Bond Strength of Chemical-curing Self-adhesive Cements.

. Effect of the Dentin Chelating Agents Phytic Acid and EDTA on Degree of Conversion, Microhardness, and Bond Strength of Chemical-curing Self-adhesive Cements. J Adhes Dent. 2019;21(4):299-306 Authors: Muana HL, Hiraishi N, Nakajima M, Kong K, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of the chelating agents phytic acid and EDTA on the degree …

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8 15 2019

Inhibitory effect of zinc-containing desensitizer on bacterial biofilm formation and root dentin demineralization.

Inhibitory effect of zinc-containing desensitizer on bacterial biofilm formation and root dentin demineralization. Dent Mater J. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: Saad A, Nikaido T, Abdou A, Matin K, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract This study compared the effect of a novel zinc containing, Caredyne Shield (CS), and a fluoroaluminocalciumsilicate-based, Nanoseal (NS) desensitizers on dentin tubule …

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8 15 2019

Inhibitory effect of zinc-containing desensitizer on bacterial biofilm formation and root dentin demineralization.

Inhibitory effect of zinc-containing desensitizer on bacterial biofilm formation and root dentin demineralization. Dent Mater J. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: Saad A, Nikaido T, Abdou A, Matin K, Burrow MF, Tagami J Abstract This study compared the effect of a novel zinc containing, Caredyne Shield (CS), and a fluoroaluminocalciumsilicate-based, Nanoseal (NS) desensitizers on dentin tubule …

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