Tag Archive: TSP

8 11 2015

Interfacial Adaptation of Composite Restorations Before and After Light Curing: Effects of Adhesive and Filling Technique.

. Interfacial Adaptation of Composite Restorations Before and After Light Curing: Effects of Adhesive and Filling Technique. J Adhes Dent. 2015 Aug 4; Authors: Yoshimine N, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sadr A Abstract PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of placement technique and adhesive material on adaptation of composites before and after light curing. MATERIALS AND …

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11 20 2013

Polymerization behavior within adhesive layer of one- and two-step self-etch adhesives: A micro-Raman spectroscopic study.

Polymerization behavior within adhesive layer of one- and two-step self-etch adhesives: A micro-Raman spectroscopic study. Dent Mater J. 2013 Nov 15; Authors: Sakano W, Nakajima M, Prasansuttiporn T, M Foxton R, Tagami J Abstract This study investigated the polymerization behavior within the adhesive layer of one- and two-step self-etch adhesives at the dentincomposite interface. Dentin …

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