Tag Archive: AP

7 27 2019

The effect of flowable composite lining and dentin location on microtensile bond strength and internal fracture formation.

. The effect of flowable composite lining and dentin location on microtensile bond strength and internal fracture formation. Dent Mater J. 2019 Jul 24;: Authors: Kominami N, Shimada Y, Hosaka K, Luong MN, Yoshiyama M, Sadr A, Sumi Y, Tagami J Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the effect of flowable composite …

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11 01 2018

Effect of Water Aging of Adherend Composite on Repair Bond Strength of Nanofilled Composites.

. Effect of Water Aging of Adherend Composite on Repair Bond Strength of Nanofilled Composites. J Adhes Dent. 2018 Oct 29;:1-9 Authors: Nagano D, Nakajima M, Takahashi M, Ikeda M, Hosaka K, Sato K, Prasansuttiporn T, Foxton RM, Tagami J Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of water aging of adherend composite on repair bond …

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8 16 2018

Effect of Calcium-phosphate Desensitizers on Staining Susceptibility of Acid-eroded Enamel.

. Effect of Calcium-phosphate Desensitizers on Staining Susceptibility of Acid-eroded Enamel. Oper Dent. 2018 Aug 14;: Authors: Kyaw KY, Otsuki M, Segarra MS, Hiraishi N, Tagami J Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of calcium-phosphate-based desensitizers, Teethmate AP paste (TMAP) and Teethmate Desensitizer (TMD) (Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, Japan), on the prevention of staining on …

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8 29 2017

µCT-3D visualization analysis of resin composite polymerization and dye penetration test of composite adaptation.

. µCT-3D visualization analysis of resin composite polymerization and dye penetration test of composite adaptation. Dent Mater J. 2017 Aug 25;: Authors: Yoshikawa T, Sadr A, Tagami J Abstract This study evaluated the effects of the light curing methods and resin composite composition on composite polymerization contraction behavior and resin composite adaptation to the cavity …

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6 07 2017

Bonding Durability of a Self-etch Adhesive to Normal Versus Smear-layer Deproteinized Dentin: Effect of a Reducing Agent and Plant-extract Antioxidant.

Bonding Durability of a Self-etch Adhesive to Normal Versus Smear-layer Deproteinized Dentin: Effect of a Reducing Agent and Plant-extract Antioxidant. J Adhes Dent. 2017 Jun 02;:1-6 Authors: Prasansuttiporn T, Thanatvarakorn O, Tagami J, Foxton RM, Nakajima M Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a reducing agent and plant-extract antioxidant on the bonding durability of …

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6 07 2017

Bonding Durability of a Self-etch Adhesive to Normal Versus Smear-layer Deproteinized Dentin: Effect of a Reducing Agent and Plant-extract Antioxidant.

Bonding Durability of a Self-etch Adhesive to Normal Versus Smear-layer Deproteinized Dentin: Effect of a Reducing Agent and Plant-extract Antioxidant. J Adhes Dent. 2017 Jun 02;:1-6 Authors: Prasansuttiporn T, Thanatvarakorn O, Tagami J, Foxton RM, Nakajima M Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a reducing agent and plant-extract antioxidant on the bonding durability of …

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7 05 2016

Internal adaptation of resin composites at two configurations: Influence of polymerization shrinkage and stress.

Internal adaptation of resin composites at two configurations: Influence of polymerization shrinkage and stress. Dent Mater. 2016 Jun 29; Authors: Han SH, Sadr A, Tagami J, Park SH Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study compared internal adaptation of composites under different C-factors and examined the relationship between internal adaptation and polymerization shrinkage parameters. METHODS: Cylindrical cavities 3mm …

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